Saturday, October 18, 2014

Three weeks home!


I didn't mean to take a big break from blogging. Facebook of course is an easier way to document everything and so often the short, easy snippets of life go on Facebook. But here's a little bit of the happenings over the last few weeks...

We've been getting accustomed to life at home with a toddler and pets. Ella loves the dogs. Loves them. They tolerate her. Seeley (my dog) loves to help me go get her out of bed in the morning. And just to prove he hasn't been completely neglected, photographic evidence of his haircut yesterday:

Life at home has definitely come with some changes; Ella has handled them with incredible flexibility. She loves to try new foods, go for walks, play with her toys, and read books. 

I have been trying to keep her world somewhat small, although she's handled meeting new people mostly very well. She tends to be shy at first but warms up. She prefers me over others - which is a very good thing. That indicates that she identifies me as the primary caregiver and comforter in her life right now, and that's exactly what she needs to do. That also means that I'm the one she pushes boundaries with, and that's okay. We are working on setting boundaries but also giving her grace. She's been through the biggest transition and yet is handling it extremely well. 

Ella has a very playful and funny personality. She loves to interact with and entertain people. She's also picking things up pretty quickly. She doesn't say many words, but she signs please, all done, help, eat, and gentle, and gestures for a lot of things as well. She remembers everything and loves to copy. 

This has been a challenging month, an exciting month, and an exhausting month, but in all the best ways. I am so grateful to be home with Ella. She's a pretty great kid.