Sunday, September 21, 2014

Medical Appointment

Ella had her medical appointment/physical for her visa application today. Basically any immigrant coming in to the US has to pass a physical before they can be granted a visa. I had some concerns because she's had a little cough. But she passed with flying colors. The doctor even said, "Oh goodness she's cute!" And he sees babies all the time. 

Ella also had her visa photo taken. I've only noticed this when it comes time for her to sit on a stool for these types of photos, but when she's unsupported her head leans to the right. This bothers them to no end. I kept telling them today "She can't hold it upright!" Nicely of course. Finally they got an acceptable picture. (This is just a muscle tone issue and will be addressed. No biggie. Except for official photos.)

Ella has seen lots of doctors and hospitals in her little life so she knew what was up and she wasn't super thrilled. She didn't howl or scream, she just whined and buried her head in my shoulder. Puffs and board books however cured everything. 

The lobby of this building has a wine vending machine that has become quite famous with adoptive parents. I don't know anyone who has used it but I had to snap a picture. 

Tuesday is a free day and Wednesday is our Consulate Appointment. Please pray that the computer system will be working correctly and that we will receive Ella's visa on Thursday. We are very excited to get home, see everyone we love, eat our own food, and get back on a schedule. 

1 comment:

  1. A wine machine, awesome! Praying for the rest of the journey to be smooth.
